
How to make your Android battery last longer

How to make your Android battery last longer

December 09, 2020

Brick phones and their week-long battery life are somewhat of the past now. In fact, many of us struggle with a phone that's battery doesn't even last nearly as long as we want it too. Although most Android phones these days will last an entire day initially, here are some handy tips and tricks that you can easily do to keep your device ticking on longer without having to reach for the charger.
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Safe and reliable ways to back up your Android phone

Safe and reliable ways to back up your Android phone

December 03, 2020

For many of us, our phones are an important archive of significant moments in our life, special messages and even our entire work for those who use their phone as a dual purpose computer as well. If you lost your phone tomorrow, or all of it's content, would you be able to recover any of it? 
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5 Things to do With Your Old Smartphone

5 Things to do With Your Old Smartphone

November 26, 2020

As new smartphones are released regularly and the ability to upgrade your devices is becoming cheaper and easier, the amount of old smartphones lying in peoples draws or being tossed out is increasing rapidly. However, these older devices can still have plenty of life in them. And, if you can't utilise it, there will be someone else who can! 
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How to keep your phone from overheating this summer

How to keep your phone from overheating this summer

November 13, 2020

Heading into summer, the days are getting warmer and this means that our phones are more prone to overheating, causing damage internally. Excessive heat can cause battery issues, screen failure and even your phone to completely stop working. Take a read of our tips to preserve your phone's life over summer.
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How to use Wireless PowerShare with your Samsung Devices:

How to use Wireless PowerShare with your Samsung Devices:

October 31, 2020

The ability to charge other devices from your phone is now available on the latest Samsung smartphones. Wireless PowerShare is a unique and easy to use feature that will allow you to transfer power between devices whenever you need to seamlessly.
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iPhone reset restore computer iTunes

How to safely restore your iPhone & retrieve your data:

October 13, 2020

Been having trouble with you iPhone? Nothing seems to be resolving the issue? If you have tried all of the simple troubleshooting solutions, you may come to the last resort - resetting your iPhone.
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device lagging iPhone android iOS

My device is lagging - why is this?

October 05, 2020

Lagging can often be caused by a variety of simple issues which can be rectified in some quick and easy steps. In this article, we will walk you through some of these troubleshooting solutions. 


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Switch from Apple iOS to Android

How to Switch From iPhone iOS to Android

September 29, 2020

Are you currently using an iPhone, but wanting to convert to an Android powered phone and are worried about transferring your data? Well, there are some simple steps to follow that will help to transfer the majority of your data to your new phone. 
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iOS 14, EarPods, review, Apple, iPhone, iPad,

iOS 14 - All You Need to Know!

September 23, 2020


iOS 14 is finally here! With plenty of new, and arguably needed, features added, iOS 14 is proving to be an update worth making. Take a read about some of the changes and how to access them! 

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My Device Will Not Pick Up Signal, Why Is This?

September 13, 2020

Purchased a new phone but can't access your mobile network? There are some simple steps you may have to complete to allow full access and get your phone up and running smoothly.
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How to switch from Android to Apple

How to switch from Android to Apple

September 09, 2020

Ever wanted to switch from your Android device to an Apple iOS device but have been too worried about the hassle of switching your data? Well now there is a simple and effective solution to complete the switch.
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Why Is It Important To Keep My Device's Software Up To Date?

Why Is It Important To Keep My Device's Software Up To Date?

August 29, 2020

Do you ever get annoyed by the regular reminders to update your device’s software? Well, there's a reason behind each one and why we should keep our devices up to date.
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